Unable to set the customized product version in Azure DevOps pipeline [closed]
Image by Dyllis - hkhazo.biz.id

Unable to set the customized product version in Azure DevOps pipeline [closed]

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’re stuck in the same frustrating loop that many of us have been in – trying to set a customized product version in an Azure DevOps pipeline, only to be met with error messages and disappointment. Fear not, dear friend, for we’re about to embark on a journey to resolve this issue once and for all!

What’s the big deal about customized product versions?

In a perfect world, we’d have a one-size-fits-all solution for every product versioning need. But, as we all know, the real world is messy, and sometimes we need to get creative with our versioning. That’s where customized product versions come in – allowing us to tailor our version numbers to specific requirements, such as including build numbers, release dates, or even custom text.

The Problem: Azure DevOps pipeline won’t play nice

So, you’ve tried to set a customized product version in your Azure DevOps pipeline, but it just won’t stick. You’ve tried everything – from tweaking the `version` field in your `azure-pipelines.yml` file to using the `Update-AppVersion` task. But no matter what you do, the pipeline insists on using the default version number instead of your carefully crafted custom version.

What’s going on behind the scenes?

Beneath the surface, Azure DevOps pipelines use a complex system of variables, tasks, and agents to build and deploy your applications. When you try to set a customized product version, you’re essentially trying to override the default versioning behavior of the pipeline. The good news is that this can be done – but it requires a bit of creative problem-solving.

Solution 1: Using the `Update-AppVersion` task

One of the most straightforward ways to set a customized product version is by using the `Update-AppVersion` task. This task allows you to update the `version` field of your pipeline with a custom value.

  - task: Update-AppVersion@2
      packageName: 'your-package-name'
      version: ''

In this example, we’re using the `Update-AppVersion` task to set the version number to ``. You can customize this value to fit your needs, including using variables, build numbers, or even custom text.

Solution 2: Using pipeline variables

An alternative approach is to use pipeline variables to set your customized product version. This involves defining a variable in your pipeline, and then using that variable to update the `version` field.

  customVersion: ''

  - task: PowerShell@2
      targetType: 'inline'
      script: |
        Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=version;]$(customVersion)"

In this example, we’re defining a pipeline variable called `customVersion` with the value ``. We then use a PowerShell task to update the `version` field with the value of the `customVersion` variable.

Solution 3: Using a custom script

If you’re comfortable with scripting, you can use a custom script to set your customized product version. This approach gives you complete control over the versioning process, allowing you to use complex logic, conditional statements, and more.

  - task: PowerShell@2
      targetType: 'inline'
      script: |
        $buildNumber = $(Build.BuildId)
        $releaseDate = $(Release.ReleaseDate)
        $customVersion = "1.2.3.$buildNumber-$releaseDate"
        Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=version;]$customVersion"

In this example, we’re using a PowerShell task to create a custom version number based on the build number and release date. We then use the `Write-Host` command to update the `version` field with the custom version number.

Troubleshooting common issues

Even with the solutions above, you might still encounter some issues. Here are some common problems and solutions to keep in mind:

Error: “The version number is not in the correct format”

This error usually occurs when the version number you’re trying to set doesn’t conform to the standard `major.minor.patch.build` format. Make sure your custom version number follows this format, or use a script to transform it into the correct format.

Error: “The pipeline variable is not defined”

This error occurs when you’re trying to use a pipeline variable that hasn’t been defined. Double-check that you’ve defined the variable in your pipeline, and that you’re using the correct syntax to reference it.

Error: “The `Update-AppVersion` task is not available”

This error occurs when the `Update-AppVersion` task is not installed or configured correctly. Make sure you’ve installed the task from the Azure DevOps Marketplace, and that you’ve configured it correctly in your pipeline.


Setting a customized product version in an Azure DevOps pipeline might seem like a daunting task, but with the right approach, it’s definitely achievable. Whether you’re using the `Update-AppVersion` task, pipeline variables, or a custom script, the key is to understand how the pipeline works and how to work with it. By following the solutions outlined in this article, you should be able to set your customized product version and get back to building amazing applications!

Solution Description
Update-AppVersion task Uses the Update-AppVersion task to set the customized product version
Pipeline variables Uses pipeline variables to set the customized product version
Custom script Uses a custom script to set the customized product version

Remember, when it comes to setting customized product versions in Azure DevOps pipelines, the possibilities are endless. With a bit of creativity and problem-solving, you can overcome any obstacle and create the perfect versioning solution for your application.

  • Check out the official Azure DevOps documentation for more information on pipeline variables and tasks.
  • Explore the Azure DevOps Marketplace for third-party tasks and extensions that can help with customized product versioning.
  • Join online communities and forums to connect with other developers who may have encountered similar issues.

Happy building, and may the versioning odds be ever in your favor!

Here are 5 questions and answers about “Unable to set the customized product version in Azure DevOps pipeline” in a creative voice and tone using HTML:

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most common issues when customizing product versions in Azure DevOps pipeline!

Why can’t I set a custom product version in my Azure DevOps pipeline?

Make sure you have the necessary permissions and that your pipeline is configured to use the correct build agent. Also, check if the product version is correctly formatted according to the Azure DevOps documentation.

What are the correct formatting rules for custom product versions in Azure DevOps?

According to Azure DevOps documentation, custom product versions should be in the format of `major.minor.patch` (e.g., `1.2.3`). Ensure that your version follows this format to avoid any issues.

Can I use variables to set my custom product version in Azure DevOps pipeline?

Yes, you can use variables to set your custom product version. Simply define a variable in your pipeline with the desired version value, and then reference that variable in your build task.

Why is my custom product version not being updated in Azure DevOps pipeline?

Check if your pipeline is correctly configured to update the product version. Ensure that you have the correct build task and that the task is set to update the product version.

Can I set a custom product version for a specific build configuration in Azure DevOps?

Yes, you can set a custom product version for a specific build configuration in Azure DevOps. Simply create a separate build task for each configuration and set the desired product version for each task.

Let me know if you need anything else!